Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, newly postpartum, or a mom of older kiddos, I’ve got workouts for you! In my years as a trainer, I’ve worked with many women during the Prenatal and Postnatal Phases. However, in 2015 when I became pregnant myself, then again in 2018, I dedicated myself to making safe and effective workouts for use during all trimesters of pregnancy, as well as postpartum. I am a C-section mama, a VBAC mama, and experienced Diastasis Recti with my second, so my workouts include modifications and options no matter where you are in your journey. As mothers, the best thing we can do for our babies is to be the healthiest, happiest version of ourselves!

PRENATAL WORKOUTS help you prepare for baby
All different types of workouts of all three trimesters, including cardio, strength, bodyweight, pilates, stretching, and more.
Options for all fitness levels to be where you are on your pregnancy journey.
Workouts to keep you challenged and moving, while also providing appropriate modifications when needed.
Safe and effective training to keep your body strong as it grows, and to prepare you for labor and delivery and parenthood.
POSTNATAL WORKOUTS help you after baby arrives
All different types of postpartum-specific workouts to help you regain strength, restore your core and feel good after pregnancy and delivery. Included are workouts for C-sections, diastasis recti (abdominal separation), core recovery, and more. Whether you had your baby weeks ago or years ago, these workouts are for you!
Strengthen and repair during the “fourth trimester” and beyond
Proper core recovery to help you rehabilitate and strengthen, even after a C-section, diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction and more.
Short but effective workouts for busy moms to do at home
Looking for more guidance on your prenatal fitness journey? Need a structured schedule to follow, with flexibility depending on how you feel? Then check out my Pregnancy Fitness Guide!