Ask the Dietitian: What is the Deal with CBD?

by | Nutrition


In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) has surged in popularity, captivating both the wellness industry and curious consumers. In fact, the global CBD market size was valued at 7.71 billion USD in 2023, and it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 15.8% from 2024 to 2030! Since this industry is showing zero signs of a slowdown, I figured it was time to share an evidenced-based Q&A-style blog discussing what CBD is, how it differs from “weed,” and the scientific evidence surrounding this powerful compound. 


What does CBD stand for?

CBD stands for cannabidiol.


What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 400 active ingredients found in cannabis (a type of plant). CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex human system responsible for regulating mood, appetite, pain sensation, and immune response.


Where does CBD come from? 

The primary source for most commercially available CBD products comes from hemp. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis plant that contains minimal THC (less than 0.3%).


What is the difference between marijuana, CBD, hemp, and THC?

Marijuana, CBD, THC, and hemp are related, but each has distinct differences. Let me explain: 

  • Marijuana is a type of cannabis plant that contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the intoxicating (“high”) effects of marijuana. The marijuana plant also has CBD but in low amounts. Marijuana has been used recreationally for decades, and more recently, it’s gained attention for its use medicinally.
  • Hemp is (also) a type of cannabis plant. It contains high levels of CBD but minimal levels of THC. CBD is known for its potential therapeutic benefits, including its ability to reduce pain, inflammation, anxiety, and seizures. CBD products have become increasingly popular for their potential medicinal uses.


What are some of the nutritional benefits of CBD?


1) Anti-inflammatory + Rich in Antioxidant Activity

Since CBD is a plant derivative, it is not surprising that it has impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory propertiesCannabis leaves contain diverse antioxidants, including cannabinoids, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, all offering significant health benefits. 


How do antioxidants support health and reduce inflammation? 

  • Antioxidants help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules known as free radicals. 
  • Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. 
  • Free radicals are produced naturally in the body and their production speeds up as we age (ugh). Lifestyle factors like exposure to air pollution, smoking, alcohol, and fried foods accelerate the production of free radicals. 
  • This imbalance can cause damage to organs and tissues and result in numerous health conditions, including inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular disorders. 
  • You can prevent this imbalance by increasing your consumption of antioxidant-rich foods (hello, colorful fruits and vegetables). If appropriate, a high-quality CBD supplement may be a helpful addition to your regimen to increase your antioxidant intake. 


2) Supports Stress Management + Sleep Quality

While stress and sleep have “nothing” to do with nutrition, ignoring how stress and poor sleep can directly impact a person’s nutritional status is impossible. I don’t know about you, but when I am stressed, anxious, and sleep-deprived, I don’t typically crave a kale salad and a sweaty workout. I crave bed, wine, and French fries. 


Chronic stress and poor sleep can disrupt hormone balance, impair immune function, and increase the risk of mental health disorders. CBD has shown promise in reducing stress and anxiety levels, promoting relaxation without the intoxicating effects of THC. 


As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I’ve worked with clients who have successfully used a high-quality, third-party-tested CBD supplement to manage symptoms of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. The reduction in stress and anxiety, along with improved mood and energy levels, resulted in them being able to partake in health-promoting behaviors, including:

  • Meal planning and prepping
  • Cooking more instead of relying on less nourishing take-out food
  • Decreased anxiety allowed clients to go to local grocery stores and farmer’s markets to shop for nutritious foods


3) Gut Health

CBD has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Additionally, CBD may help regulate gut motility, reducing instances of diarrhea or constipation and improving digestion. Furthermore, CBD’s ability to modulate stress and anxiety levels may indirectly benefit gut health, as stress is known to exacerbate gastrointestinal issues. While more clinical studies are needed to fully understand the extent of CBD’s impact on gut health, preliminary research suggests promising potential in this area.


Considerations and Precautions

While CBD offers promising nutritional benefits, its use also carries some risks. Though it’s often well-tolerated, CBD may cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced or increased appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. 


Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. A study of 84 CBD products purchased online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than labeled. In addition, THC was found in 18 products.


1) Quality and Purity

Get your CBD products from reputable manufacturers that adhere to strict quality standards and provide third-party lab testing results to verify potency and purity. When choosing supplements, I opt for those that are NSF-certifiedChoosing a product certified by NSF lets you know the company complies with strict standards and procedures and has been thoroughly tested and evaluated to meet rigorous safety, purity, and quality standards. 

2) Look for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) 

This document accompanies every CBD product and shows the amount of each cannabinoid it contains and third-party testing information about additives, pesticides, and other ingredients.

3) Dosage

CBD dosage can vary based on body weight, metabolism, and the desired effect. Before starting supplements like CBD, speak with your healthcare provider about starting with a low dose and always pay attention to how your body responds. 

4) Drug Interactions

CBD could interact with certain medications, particularly those metabolized by the liver’s cytochrome P450 enzyme system (ex, blood thinners). Consult with a health professional before adding CBD into your regimen, especially if you’re taking prescription medications.

5) Limited Research

Research on CBD (cannabidiol) remains relatively limited despite its popularity and widespread use. While there is a growing body of evidence supporting its potential therapeutic effects for conditions like epilepsy, chronic pain, and anxiety, much of the research is still in its early stages, and conclusive findings are often lacking. Hopefully, more research studies will be conducted to understand CBD’s potential benefits and drawbacks fully. 

6) Legal Status

While CBD derived from hemp is federally legal in the United States, state regulations regarding its production, sale, and possession may vary. If you’d like to include CBD in your regimen, familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations to ensure compliance.


Before accepting the partnership with Sympleaf Sport CBD, I was asked to review the Sympleaf Sport CBD products. While I cannot speak to all of the products (as they are outside my area of expertise), I reviewed those that can be consumed, like CBD oil. I love that Sympleaf Sport CBD Oil is third-party tested and NSF [FOR SPORT] certified. The “for sport” part is even more of a rigorous certification, as professional athletes have strict guidelines for what they can and cannot take. 


Overall, CBD offers some benefits with little risk and side effects. Still, it’s crucial to approach CBD use mindfully, considering factors such as product quality, dosage, potential interactions, and legal considerations. 


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