5 surprising benefits of having a strong core

5 surprising benefits of having a strong core

The term “strong core” is having a moment, and I am here for it! For years we obsessed about six-pack abs, losing belly fat, and getting definition in your midsection. Now (thankfully), we are much more focused on getting a strong core. Sure, we still see ads for...
So, What’s a MetCon Workout All About?

So, What’s a MetCon Workout All About?

Have you heard the new buzzword in fitness town? MetCon, metabolic conditioning, Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT), and metabolic workouts are having a major moment right now. You may have heard one or all of these terms before this month’s challenge. But what...
Can You Get a Full Body Workout in 20 Minutes?

Can You Get a Full Body Workout in 20 Minutes?

This week, a New York Times article titled “Can you get a full body workout in 20 minutes?” was making the rounds on social media. Many of you shared it with me or tagged me, because you know I specialize in short and effective workouts. One of my main goals as a...
Do you really *need* rest days?

Do you really *need* rest days?

If you’ve followed my workout calendars (chances are, you do, since you’re here!), you’ll notice that I program five main workouts during the week, with an optional bonus sixth day with your Saturday LIVE workout. Presumably, that means day seven is...
What Does ‘Toning’ Really Mean?

What Does ‘Toning’ Really Mean?

Have you searched “toning workouts” before? What about “workouts that tone but do not make you bulky?” If you have, you are in great company. A simple google search shows more than 266 million results, and most, if not all, are targeted toward...