If you’ve followed my workout calendars (chances are, you do, since you’re here!), you’ll notice that I program five main workouts during the week, with an optional bonus sixth day with your Saturday LIVE workout. Presumably, that means day seven is...
Have you searched “toning workouts” before? What about “workouts that tone but do not make you bulky?” If you have, you are in great company. A simple google search shows more than 266 million results, and most, if not all, are targeted toward...
This past week in the BodyFit Athletic Club, we hosted a cooking competition between Vivian (BodyFit dietitian) and Kurt (“Mr. Amy”). I channeled different cooking show hosts, announcing a new challenge every day, and the two of them went head to head...
Summer is here and you want an efficient and effective sweat sesh! Summer is a time when schedules change, routines are off, and travel is happening! I’m often asked about the best way to stay active during the busy summer season, and how to make the most of...
If you follow me on social media, you may have seen that in the last month and a half, I’ve had two skin surgeries to remove melanoma from my thigh and my shoulder. You may have also seen that Kurt and I were recently able to take a short but long-awaited vacation to...