Tips on How to Stay Active While Traveling

by | Fitness

In the last few months, I’ve traveled cross country for work, and had a nice beach vacation with family, and both times I’ve been surprised at how much I’ve wanted to keep moving (even when I’m exhausted!), and how much better I felt when I did.  It isn’t always easy, but getting a little activity during your travels can boost your energy and mood!  

Get outside and enjoy the view.  Vacations often involve beaches or mountains, and new cities.  Whether its a walk on the beach, a few laps in the pool, or a jog around the city, getting outside is a great way to get fresh air and your heart pumping.

Dress for that layover!  Wearing comfortable shoes and clothes not only keeps you feeling good in the car or on a plane, it can motivate you to move during your layover or pit stop.  Walk through the terminal, do some jumping jacks or lunges at that gas station (I’ve done it!) or take the stairs a few times in a row.   Sure, you’re not going to burn hundreds of calories, but you will ease and prevent some of the muscle tension we can get from sitting all day.  And good news, athleisure wear is in, so you won’t even look out of place! 

Pack some tools. I have tons of short No Equipment Workouts that can be done anywhere, but there are some great pieces of workout gear that don’t take up much space in a suitcase.  Stick a resistance band, mini band, or TRX Suspension Trainer in your bag and turn your hotel room into a gym space.  Check out my TRX Workouts HERE and Resistance Band Workouts HERE.

Above all, do what you can and don’t stress about it!  If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I believe vacation is vacation and you should absolutely relax and rest!  And if your family time or work schedule is too busy to squeeze some movement in, don’t worry about it!  You’ll jump right back into those workouts when you’re back home.


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