Nutrition Tips for a Strong Immune System

by | Nutrition

Is it COVID, a cold, the flu, a new virus, or allergies?! Oof. If you’ve asked yourself this question recently, you are not alone. It seems like everyone we know these days are sick or coming down with something, so it’s only natural to wonder if there’s anything you can do to stay healthy. While there’s no magical food or beverage that will prevent or cure any illness, there are some things you can do to support your immune system so that it stays in tip-top shape this germy season! Here are four dietitian-approved ways to naturally boost your immune system: 

Eat more fermented foods (or consider a probiotic) for immunity

Did you know that 70% of your immune system lives in your gut? That’s the same place where those good (healthy) bacteria live, so it’s not surprising that including probiotic-rich foods is vital in supporting your immune system (and digestion). What are probiotic-rich foods? Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, natto, and kimchi. A probiotic supplement (this is my fave) could be good if you don’t love those foods.

Eat Plants

Plant foods are good for just about everything – surprise, surprise! Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support a healthy body and immune system. Meanwhile, the fiber in those edible plants feeds your good gut bacteria, which is crucial since most of that immunity is in the gut!

Elderberries may strengthen and support your immune system

The elderberry thing is not a total hoax, but it’s also no miracle cure. Studies suggest that phytochemicals (disease-fighting compounds) in elderberries may support and strengthen your immune system. One randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (BTW, that’s the gold standard of research!) found that elderberry could effectively reduce flu symptoms by four days. Other studies have concluded that elderberry may shorten the duration of symptoms associated with cold and flu viruses but not prevent you from catching bugs and getting sick. Now you know!

Vitamin D

Being deficient in vitamin D may increase your chances of getting sick. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiencies are not uncommon. It is estimated that about one billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient, and 50% of the population is vitamin D insufficient. If you are sick often, struggle with fatigue and tiredness, have bone and back pain, and/or suffer from depression and anxiety, you may want to talk with your doctor about checking those vitamin D levels. Sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough vitamin D, and experts recommend getting 10-30 minutes of sunlight each day. Of course, that’s not always possible in cloudy places or parts of the world where winter or rainy season is well underway.

If you cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun, vitamin D-rich foods may help. Good sources include fatty fish (salmon, sardines, herring), egg yolks, and beef liver. Milk and yogurt often have added vitamin D, making them good sources. But what if you don’t eat meat products and can’t get sunlight? Speak with your doctor to determine if you need a vitamin D supplement. Please note that taking vitamin D when you already have adequate levels doesn’t seem to provide extra benefit to your health or immunity, so please don’t mega-dose! When taking any supplement, your goal should be to get enough of a nutrient – not extra. Remember, too much of a good thing can be harmful, which stands true with supplements. 

There you have it, folks! Also, sleep, stress management, limiting added sugar and alcohol consumption, hydration, and exercise (hey-o, BodyFit by Amy!) are essential components of maintaining a healthy immune system.


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