Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide: Tips for Staying Healthy, Stress-Free, and Energized

by | Featured, Fitness

amy is a fitness trainer in her forties

Halfway through December, and I’m already exhausted—how about you??


Don’t get me wrong—I love the holiday season. I love the get-togethers, the time with friends and family, the decorations, the traditions, and, most of all, the sentiments, emotions, and meanings behind it all. But, between holiday shopping, events, endless school activities and holiday dress-up days, prepping for our busiest time of year at work (yay!), and everything else that goes along with this season, I’m struggling with my self-care. Can you relate? 


I am here to remind you that the absolute best gift you can give your loved ones this holiday season is a happy, healthy you. I also want to tell you to give yourself grace when it’s a struggle to keep up with your regular workout routine. Enjoy all the holiday treats even if it’s not the “healthy” option, and allow for some spontaneity in the season. 


To help do this, I’ve put together a quick list (with resources and links!) with some practical, easy tips that can hopefully alleviate stress and keep you feeling your best during the remainder of this holiday season. 



This one seems obvious, but during all the running to and from activities, plus likely eating and drinking differently than usual, getting enough water often goes by the wayside. Keep your water bottle with you at your desk, in your car, and somewhere you can see it at home for a reminder to sip! 


Move your body

Also, obvious, but I want to take the pressure off thinking you need to “Get a workout in” and encourage you to make your goal just to move when and how you can. Anything and everything counts and is guaranteed to make you feel better and less stressed. Of course, my HOLIDAY HIIT calendar is designed to have short (20-30 minutes) workouts that get it all in and relieve stress. But remember, I also have multiple 10 Minute Workouts and 5 Minute Workouts, many with no equipment needed. Getting a quick walk outside (yes, even in the cold!). Keeping a mini band or weights by the TV and doing one set of your favorite exercises during that Hallmark Holiday movie, or just taking a few minutes before bed to stretch can go a long way. Just MOVE, and don’t worry about the details.


Don’t be afraid to say no.

We hear a lot about setting boundaries and saying no to events, family obligations, and other requests for your time or resources; and yes, you can say no and protect your peace. However, this also applies to things you may want or think you should do. You really want to get your morning workout in but your day is packed full of activities; you can say no to that workout and prioritize some extra sleep to help you get through the day. You no longer feel bad or shameful about eating the desserts at the holiday party (yay!), but you’re actually full from dinner, and those cookies don’t look that appealing anyway. You can say no to that, too. 


Let it go

Perhaps the hardest and the most important. Traditions are lovely, but you can skip a year. Colds and flu might cancel all your plans, but hundreds of holiday movies and rest are there for you. Feeling like you overdid it buying gifts? Eh, enjoy the smiles they’ll bring. Aunt Brenda is making comments about what you’re eating or how she’s “cheating” on her diet (or any other toxic diet culture reference!) — ignore and walk away. Achy joints from lack of exercise and travel, bloated bellies from rich food, hangover headaches from extra wine– these things may happen, and instead of feeling anxiety or guilt around them, channel your inner Elsa and let it go. 


Holidays (and the stress that surrounds them) return every year, and little steps to take care of you during can help. Just remember, you’ll be making memories no matter what happens! 


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