How can CBD aid in your fitness and recovery? Let’s break it down! 

by | Fitness

CBD fitness and recovery

Earlier this year, I announced my partnership with Sympleaf Sport CBD and have been collaborating with them ever since. You’ve seen co-founder Ryan in many of my workouts and being willing to try anything on my Instagram. And, of course, we had a blast getting to meet and workout with so many of you at our Atlanta event at The Battery at Truist Park in partnership with Sympleaf Sport CBD. 

Many of you know BodyFit by Amy only takes on a few sponsorships or partners, and when we do, we make sure it’s not only a company we know and trust but also products we use ourselves. When it comes to what you put on and in your body, we always recommend making sure products are third-party tested and have some research to back up claims (Sympleaf Sport CBD does both!).  As CBD rises in popularity and research continues to grow, I’m excited to share more with you about the ways I’m using CBD as part of my fitness journey. 

We understand that many of you may have questions, and we want you to know that we’re here for you! Our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Vivian recently delved into the topic of CBD on our blog HERE, and today, I’m excited to continue this important conversation with you! 

What can CBD aid in your fitness and recovery journey? Let’s break it down! 

The endocannabinoid system:

The endocannabinoid system of our body is an active neurochemical network involving a combination of endocannabinoids, enzymes and cannabinoid receptors. This complex system regulates various bodily functions including mood, sleep, pain perception and more. Our bodies naturally release endocannabinoid molecules, but outside sources, like CBD, can affect the body by way of the endocannabinoid system. 

CBD for pain relief: 

Much of my current use of CBD, or cannabidiol, revolves around its analgesic, or pain relieving, properties. While still relatively new and more study is needed, research does suggest that CBD can aid in pain relief, both in management of chronic pain and acute injuries.

CBD, one of the active compounds in the cannabis plant, works by targeting the receptors that help regulate everything in our bodies, including pain perception.  A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine analyzed the effects of cannabinoids on pain relief, including CBD. The review found that cannabinoids, including CBD, were associated with a significant reduction in pain compared to placebo. The findings suggest that CBD may have analgesic properties that could benefit individuals experiencing exercise-induced soreness or injuries.

CBD for exercise induced inflammation: 

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to exercise, so it’s not always a bad thing. However, excessive inflammation can lead to delayed recovery, slower progress, and decrease in athletic performance. By targeting our body’s receptors we spoke of above , CBD has shown promise in reducing inflammation, potentially aiding in faster recovery and increased performance in workouts. It’s also been shown to reduce pain levels of exercise induced inflammation by targeting specific nerve pathways responsible for transmitting pain signals throughout our bodies. A 2018 review published in Frontiers in Neurology discussed the potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of CBD. The review highlighted preclinical and clinical studies suggesting that CBD may modulate inflammation and oxidative stress pathways, which could have implications for reducing inflammation associated with exercise and promoting recovery.

CBD for better sleep: 

Y’all hear me say it all the time: sleep is everything when it comes to health! Not only does it give us more energy for workouts, it aids in recovery time and helps us regulate hunger and fullness cues. CBD is well known as a calming supplement to help you fall and stay asleep by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. A 2022 study suggests CBD may aid in relieving insomnia by helping manage pain, anxiety and daytime sleepiness. 

In addition to CBD’s anti-inflammatory, analgesic and recovery properties, CBD appears to have neuroprotective benefits as well. Less pain, faster recoveries, lower levels of anxiety and better sleep quality and duration all aid in improving athletic performance overall. 

I’m a big fan of CBD topicals, like Sympleaf Sport’s cool stick and muscle relief cream, but there are many ways to incorporate CBD into your wellness routine if you choose such as daily supplementation through oils, gummies or capsules. As always, please consult your healthcare provider about what may or may not be appropriate and beneficial for you. While these are just a few ways that I’ve found using CBD to be effective and beneficial in my fitness and everyday routine, I always encourage you to do what works best for you, your body, and your lifestyle.

Show Up & Keep Moving!



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