Your Pregnancy Fitness Guide: Beginner Version


The BodyFit by Amy Pregnancy Fitness Guide is a comprehensive guide to staying active and strong during your entire pregnancy.  It includes weekly workout calendars for all three trimesters using the prenatal workouts you know and love from my YouTube channel, as well as information on what’s happening physically during pregnancy, how and why to modify, nutrition support, extensive guidance on your pelvic floor and deep core and more!

My Beginner Version uses prenatal and trimester specific workouts using bodyweight and dumbbells, to ease you into exercise during pregnancy, while challenging you safely and effectively.

My hope with this guide is to ease your anxiety and provide structure and information to help you find a balance that works for your pregnancy and your lifestyle. My goal is to give you the tools and structure you need to safely move your body, feel good, and be strong for physical changes, labor & delivery, and recovery after the baby (or babies!) arrives. Birthing, growing, and raising a baby are all athletic events—let’s train for them!

A Little About Me:  I’ve been working in fitness for over 15 years and have trained pregnant and postpartum women for about that long. Yet, it was my experiences with my own pregnancies, deliveries, and recovery that led me to continue my education and specialize in perinatal fitness. After persistent morning sickness during both of my pregnancies, one emergency cesarean delivery (C-section), one Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC), and recovering from diastasis recti, I made it my goal to provide accessible workouts and a realistic approach to exercise during and after pregnancy. While pursuing my master’s degree, I focused my research on prenatal and postnatal fitness and postpartum recovery. During my studies, I found that a lot has changed over the years, and women aren’t always getting the most up-to-date information, nor do they know how to apply that information to them. My mission is to change this.

BodyFit by Amy eBooks are curated programs designed to help you strategically focus your workouts in a time efficient, manageable way to reach your health and fitness goals. eBooks feature structured weeks with workout schedules, using videos from my You Tube channel, along with additional information on nutrition, meal planning, setting and reaching your goals, tracking your progress, and overall health and wellness. eBooks are downloadable interactive PDFs, that can be viewed on your computer, tablet, phone or other personal device with internet access.

The BodyFit by Amy Pregnancy Fitness Guide is a comprehensive guide to staying active and strong during your entire pregnancy.  It includes weekly workout calendars for all three trimesters using the prenatal workouts you know and love from my YouTube channel, as well as information on what's happening physically during pregnancy, how and why to modify, nutrition support, extensive guidance on your pelvic floor and deep core and more!

Let me help you become your happiest, healthiest, fittest self!


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